Duo Camassia

Finally tired of saying, “my flute-playing partner Danel Cove, and I”, we've done something about it. Named ourselves duo Camassia for the camas flowers that are so beautiful just now. (Camassia is the latin name of the species)

We hope…

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Wonderful week in Tofino -

The most amazing weather, the best group of people, water, and sand, and sunlight, and quite a few hours of improvising. This is a hard topic - and registrants leapt to the task, and beautiful music was made. 

Also, many…

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Solstice Xmas service - and Video Links

Although my church job keeps me playing harp most Sundays, we also have special services throughout the year, especially with Music from Taize, and lately, with Danel Cove, a fine flute player.

The next special service is a Candle light…

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Hannah wins the WinterHarp competition

I'm so happy to announce that Hannah Chua has won the “On Gossamer Wings” performance competition, and will be playing a piece with the Winter Harp Ensemble at its performance. 

Ensemble Retreat in Parksville

Dawn on the beach - it is pretty spectacular.  Wonderful start to the ensemble year, I think it might be an annual event!  And here is Mariellen's staircase - you might need to click on the top photo to see…

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